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how to tile a roof with clay or concrete tiles

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  5. how to tile a roof with clay or concrete tiles
Asked: 2020-01-27 18:19:04
I have a big project to do for my new house that includes redoing my roof. Can anyone tell me how to tile a roof with clay or concrete tiles? I haven't decided which one to use yet so it would be helpful if anyone can tell me how it's done.


Answered: 2020-01-29 10:13:51

You should probably add the underlayment before you do anything. Then, you can add the clay tiles to the batten and nail them done. However, you should also add mortar underneath the tiles. It will give them extra support. Then, you can keep adding the tiles until you are done.


Answered: 2020-01-27 23:33:50

Most people will put an underlayment under the tiles so you should do that before you do anything with the tiles. Then, you can figure out where you want to put the tiles and nail them down and add mortar underneath them. After that you can continue adding more and more tiles.


Answered: 2020-01-28 22:21:26

I found this site description that can help you explain the installation process of clay tiles. You should install the underlayment before you start installing the tiles. You put the tile on the batten and nail it done with an overhanging the batten by two inches. Add mortar under the first tile for support and then add a tile atop the inner end of the first and nail it like the other tile. Continue adding more tiles until you cover the roof.


Answered: 2020-01-28 12:01:13

You can start by figuring out what materials you need and the also how many tiles you will need to finish your roof. You should install the underlayment before you start. Then, you can add the tiles onto the batten and nail them down. You should add some mortar under the tiles for extra support. Keep adding more tiles until you are done.

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