
What are the New Fortified Roofing Guidelines for Withstanding Natural Disasters?

What are the New Fortified Roofing Guidelines for Withstanding Natural Disasters?

What are the new fortified roofing guidelines for roofs to withstand natural disasters? How do you fortify your roof to withstand the worst of storms? It doesn’t take much of a storm to affect your roof. It’s much better to learn if your roof can meet the new standards well before you ever need it to.

There are new roofing guidelines presented by FEMA and go over any hazards that may impact or damage roofs causing significant risk to those living in the home. FEMA divided the standards into wind hazards, flood hazards, and fire hazards.

Natural Hazards and Roofing Standards

There are various natural hazards and the new roofing standards to withstand these natural hazards target three specific and common hazards. It all starts with the roofing installation.

Roofing Installation

The new roofing codes address requirements for roof coverings most often used on high and low-sloped roofs. For high-sloped roofs this is usually roofs made of asphalt shingles, clay, concrete tile, wood shakes, and shingles. For low-sloped roofs this is single-ply, thermoplastic single-ply, sprayed polyurethane foam and liquid applied coating roofs. There are requirement codes for the roofs underlayment, flashing, structure performance and materials.

Flood Hazard Event

You already know about the adaptive roof technology, which can help your roof reduce wet weather flow by 80% by diverting the water to a combined sewer system. But what do you do if your area is being affected by a flood? Will your roof be able to withstand the constant downpour or rush of water in a flood hazard event?

FEMA has one specific flood-related design consideration standard listed, and that is to document your home’s elevation. FEMA mentions green building practices that encourage reducing the building of homes outside the code-minimum elevations. But, sometimes moving to a higher elevation is something you can’t or don’t want to do. When that’s the case, the best thing you can do for your roof to be able to withstand the water is by using water-resistant framing and roofing materials that are adaptive and use technology-driven reduction of water.

Wind Hazard Event

If your home or business is involved in a wind hazard event, you want your roof to be able to withstand not only the major breaches to your roof but also the minor ones. It is the minor breaches to your roof that can result in significant water and economic loss to your home or business. Your roofs sheathing is a good place to start because they help withstand high suction forces. You also want your building and roof to have a roof to wall connection capable of resisting wind forces. FEMA has listed through their ASTM D 7158 three classes of shingles recommended.

The three classes of shingles apply to Category 1 and Category II building which means the non-critical or non-essential facilities like homes. These homes and buildings are less than 60 feet tall with wind range from 90 – 150 mph.

  1. Class D shingles need to pass basic wind speeds up to and including 90 mph.
  2. Class G shingles need to pass basic wind speeds up to and including 120 mph.
  3. Class H shingles need to pass basic wind speeds up to 150 mph.

Basically, if you live in what FEMA calls a high-wind area, you will need to follow the new guidelines for meeting roofing material that meets the wind speed by class.

Wildfire Hazard

For your wildfire hazards, you need a building to lessen the potential of becoming more vulnerable if it’s in or around a wildfire. Roofs can be designed and built, so they help prevent the spread of fire. The roofs may not be able to stop the spread of fire, but they can help prevent it from being more rapid. These codes are in areas where buildings and homes are subject to urban-wildland fires, so the urban-wildland codes detail what you can use as a material on your roof and how you install the roof. It’s the layout of the roof that sometimes influences the performance of the roof in a wildfire event.

The roof must be made of a material that is fire resistant and is covered in FEMA Section R902 with the roof’s insulation covered in Section R906. Most of the wildfire hazard protection lies in the requirements of the individual roof coverings like asphalt shingles, clay or concrete tiles, etc.

What are the New Fortified Roofing Guidelines for Withstanding Natural Disasters?

The roofing guideline standards shift and evolve depending on what section of the country you live in and the materials you use on your roof. You want to make sure you take the FEMA links above as a guideline for your roofing design considerations and best practices when building your roof.

In addition, any regulatory compliance is done at mostly the local level, so be cognizant that the property insurers and reinsurers, as well as your community, will want you to use safety research as your foundation in building a safe, compliant roof. If you need proof that a strong roof is needed for you and your family’s protection you need look no further than the natural disasters over the past fifteen years. In the past fifteen years we’ve been impacted by Katrina, Sandy, Ike, Irene, and more. It’s no longer an option to build a safe and compliant roof it is a critical need.

You should never accept anything less than the best when it comes to maintaining the safety of you and your family. When you need to find a roofing contractor who can give you what you need, check out Roofing Architects. Roofing Architects can help you find a contractor who cares as much about you and your family’s safety in case of natural disasters as you do.

Ten Ways You Can Build Your Next Roof Using Green Construction Methods

The next time you have to have your roof re-done or have to build a new one for your home, think green. By using green construction methods when building or redoing your roof, you give back to the environment in so many ways. The informational guide below will let you know about ten ways you can build your next roof with green benefits.

What is Green Construction?

When you’re using green construction on your roof, it’s so much more than using dark tile roofs to keep in the heat and light tile roofs to deflect the sun. Green construction is defined as finding a balance between high-quality construction and low environmental impact. It’s about you making a light footprint with your roof, your home or your business building design.

So when the design becomes a construction project, your roof and building are made sustainable by using green materials. Green construction is integrating the materials with the process. This method not only maximizes efficiency like with those light and dark roof tiles but also enhances durability and cost savings.

Ten Ways to Build Your Roof Using Green Construction Methods

In the 22nd century, building a roof using green construction methods has ten clear green processes and benefits.

1 – The 40 Percent Rule

If you integrate green principles into your roof’s planning and design, you will generate 40% more savings and receive 40% better results in your roof’s performance measurements. This is true with your roof, your home, and any commercial building you want to build if you use green construction. You need the best green team that can focus on your green-sustainable roof design. A green construction team may consist of:

  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Contractors
  • Consultants

All of the above team members will be knowledgeable about green building and roof designs. They will also know about the technologies that provide green benefits from construction materials with their overall cost savings.

2 – Recycled Materials

When you’re using recycled materials for your roof’s green construction material it needs to include:

  • Long-life material like polymer roofing systems
  • Protected-membrane roofing systems that allow for reuse of rigid insulation in future re-roofs
  • Light-colored roofing materials for reducing thermal heat
  • Using roof tiles made of recyclable materials, and more

Every material you consider involves the bigger question of the health, environmental, and energy considerations of that particular roofing material.

3 – Tile

The beauty of using roofing tile is it comes in a wide range of colors that incorporates thermal mass. It is this thermal mass that helps keep the cool air inside on hot days. Also, your roof can last for a century. If you add tile with curved shapes, you’ve helped your home’s ventilation.

4 – Single-ply Thermostat

A single-ply thermostat roof is made of membranes consisting of roof oil and natural gas. The roof oil and natural gas are cured and bonded to the material used on the roof. This gives the roofs their insulated abilities over the building. The single-ply thermostat roof material is not constructed on-site, so they have consistent quality.

5 – Single-ply Thermoplastic

You may think you just read about single-ply above, but there’s more than one kind. Single-ply thermoplastic is at the top of the green construction material pyramid because it’s made of material that absorbs ultraviolet light. The membranes in the roofing material are highly resistant to bacteria and come in rolls of glossy plastic in cool gray or white.

6 – Shingles

Shingles are by far the most popular of all roofing materials. When you want to make the shingles more green and eco-friendly, shingles can be treated with reflective pigments. Once you treat them with reflective pigments, you paint them a bright white. Because the reflective pigments help bumpy shingles reflect light, but it reflects light all over the place in every direction. Because you want to keep the house cooler by reflecting the light where it needs to go, the roof is made using green construction methods. The green construction method is painting them white.

7 – Pavers

Pavers pretend to be roofing tiles, but they’re actually paving tiles designed for a roof. They are over 2 inches, so they are very thick, and they reflect 78% of all ultraviolet light on your roof. Pavers are thick and heavy, so when serving as a roof they need a building that can support their roof weight. You can install pavers in special small areas like a balcony on the roof if your house can’t handle the intense weight of pavers.

8 – Metal

If there’s one green construction method that surprises people, it is the use of metal. But it’s not just any metal. It is a coated metal that’s painted in light colors or with light-reflecting pigments. You now have a treated metal roof that reflects ultraviolet rays and keeps your home cool. The fact that you get to make a statement with the color of your metal-coated roof is a side benefit.

9 – The Living Roof

This is not the cheapest roof to build or maintain, but it is green. You first have to seal up your entire roof. Then you pick the plants of your choice but make sure they can withstand the intensity of direct sunlight, pouring rain, and hot or cold winds. Plants on the roof are a new green construction method, and because it has to come with a structural evaluation it’s not cheap either. But it is popular.

10 – Philadelphia Style

Philadelphia was able to lower its summer heat by one degree by applying highly reflective white coatings to the roofs of an entire city block. This coating can be applied to almost any roofing material, and it will make the material become part of the green construction method. The pigment in the white coating can reflect the infrared. Which makes this green construction method one of the most interesting ones.

All you need is one person to start a green construction roofing project, and most people will see all the benefits of green construction methods. Green construction methods help in passive cooling in buildings and give ecological benefits integrated with cost savings. When your ready to build your roof using green construction methods, reach out to a professional close to you with your questions or ideas. We are ready to help you find green construction benefits with your next roof.